THE Quantum Leap: All-encompassing Universe EnergyFormula

THE Quantum Leap: THE all-encompassing Universal Energy Formula and THE all-encompassing Dynamic Universe Total Circulation Model.

HAMBURG, Germany, 2023-Jul-11 — /EPR Network/ — THE Quantum Leap: THE all-encompassing Universal Energy Formula and THE all-encompassing Dynamic Universe Total Circulation Model.

The Universal-Energy-Formula as sum of the Total-Energy-Formula (of “our” side of universe) and the Anti-Energy-Formula – and the resulting new Dynamic Universe-Total-Cycle-Model as Perpetuum-Mobile – by Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright),

In the PR article of 12-05-2023 we briefly presented the Universe-Total Formula of our “visible” universe. This total universe formula can represent not only the current state of the forces, but also the past and future correlations of the forces. In today’s article we go into more concrete aspects of these new discoveries – and extend these findings to the field of anti-energy and the summarizing universal energy.

1. Short presentation – incl. splitting in space and time (right parenthesis):
GE = ( E = M * c² ) * ( E/M : M/E ).

The total energy of our “visible” part of the universe consists of 2 main areas: 1) The energy from the formula of the Special-Relativity of Albert Einstein and 2) the energy from our Dynamic Multiplier, and it´s 2 sub-areas within the Dynamic Multiplier: a) the SPACE-energy-formula ( E/M ) and b) the TIME-energy-formula ( M/E ).

2. shorter-presentation – with mathematical calculation of the right bracket (serves only for the realization of the power of the Dynamic Multiplier):
GE = ( E = M * c² ) * ( E/M )².

3. shortest representation – with new variable multiplier for dynamics, “d”
(serves only as abbreviation notation – for calculations, equation 1 is indispensable):
GE = ( E = M * c² ) * d ²

However, this formula is again only an intermediate step to an even more universal formula, which we present at the end of this PR message.

4. short plausibility, according to 1., above mentioned equation :
4.1. see info under: PR-Info from 12-05-2023

A. Astronomy and mathematics – not always the same …

5. astronomical aspects – and our mathematical background thoughts

5.1 Here we would like to point again on essential aspects:

Purely mathematically we have proved in the book AstronSpaceOnomy that the “c” of Einstein’s “Special Relativity” is very well valid also as a velocity variable.
We have then presented space (meters) and time (seconds) as different variable formulas and the respective counterpart (“per meter” or “per time unit”) in a respective constant “bracketed out” (but not forgotten), in order to be able to hit with the remainder of the formula, IN-dependently of present space and time definitions, in order to possibly find new force dimensions.

If one calculates only mathematically this above-mentioned 1st formula (also including the bracketed constants), then everything cancels itself against each other and one lands purely with the current speed definition, meters per second.

If one accepts, however, that a) meters and seconds are purely earthly measures; b) that space can be provided with most different forces (vacuum, over-pressure, …); c) that time can run differently fast (mountain and valley example) and d) that matter in the universe can both, increase (from neutron nebula with solar winds newly developing stars), and decrease (planet and star annihilation in black holes), then the variables represented in the formula just don’t(!) cancel against each other any more. Our earth definitions, meters and seconds, help us to think, but the forces out of SPACE- and TIME-Energies are far ahead and away from our purely math contemplation, thus, meters and seconds and can be neglected. What counts are MATTER and ENERGY.
I.e.: one should not solve this formula mathematically but use it “only” as it is: provide the variables with the available values in each case to search for wanted aspects.

If one considers the forces, behind our formulas (space: e.g. voids – and time: e.g. black holes), then one can confidently leave out the excluded “small” constants, in order to be able to follow the trains of thought better.

5.2 Closer thoughts to SPACE and TIME
Before the Big Bang there was little(er) SPACE energy and much(more) TIME energy (matter-attachments), so that the space/time dynamic multiplier was obstructive (smaller than 1, so that the energy from the Einstein formula was reduced by the dynamic multiplier – and the total energy GE was smaller than it could have been. TIME was stronger than SPACE.
SPACE and TIME are in competition with each other. Nowadays the SPACE force (e.g. “Dark Energy”, 72% of the total energy) is stronger than the TIME force (e.g. “Dark Matter”, 23% of the total energy) – and the Matter force (5% of the total energy).
And the basis of all today’s calculations is the “visible” matter. This was very large after the big bang – in particular %-tual to the other variables.
But if the universe grows, then only at the expense of matter(-energy), because additional energy from outside is relatively improbable: a) Matter must have decreased since the big bang (in %) (i.e.: The energy from Einstein’s Simple Relativity decreases); b) The universe has become bigger: SPACE (energy : matter) has grown (first part of the dynamics factor); and c) TIME (matter : energy) has shrunk (in percentage) (second part of the dynamics factor). This confirms also Wikipedia purely formally: Dark matter shrinks, dark energy grows.

The total energy composition changes since the end of the big bang matter formation, because: 1.) MATTER becomes less(!), because it is decomposed among other things in super novas and black holes. This goes a) at the expense of the Big Bang Matter, b) at the expense of the TIME-Energy (among other things “Dark Matter”) – and c) in favor of the SPACE-Energy (among other things “Dark Energy”) . AND – parallel to 1.) – since: 2.) ENERGY becomes more(!), since among other things in super novas and black holes the energy is “squeezed out” from the decomposing matters. This goes a) at the expense of the Big Bang matter, b) at the expense of the TIME energy (among other things “dark matter”) – and c) in favor of the SPACE energy (among other things “dark energy”).
The latter also leads to vaporizations of the values within the 1st above-mentioned formula to the total energy, GE: 1.) The energy from the first bracket with the Einstein-simple-relativity shrinks; 2.) The energy from the first part of the dynamics-bracket, the SPACE-energy, increases and 3.) The energy from the second part of the dynamics-bracket, the TIME-energy, shrinks. The latter in turn leads to an accelerated increase in the value of the dynamic energy multiplier, as an increasing SPACE value is divided by a decreasing TIME value.
The latter leads to increasing total energy, since the losses from the Einstein Simplen Relativity are overcompensated by the second power at the Dynamic Multiplier.
Thereby the space is not (primarily) gained 3-D-moderately (meter/sec), but (also) energetically by “Hurikan”-vortex-effects (the whole universe is turning faster and faster).
Thereby time is not (primarily) defeated 3-D-wise (sec/meter), but (also) “energetically”, reverse-vortex-effects (on the other side of the black hole).

B. Past, Present and Future

6. the course of things

6.1 Big Bang

6.1.1 First M-approaches via strings, quanta, protons, electrons, molecules … (see chain reaction in PR-message of 12-05-2023).

6.1.2 First M-approaches in left(!) (Einstein-) bracket lead to first(!) energy, by multiplication of these M-approaches by Einstein constant c² :

E = M*c²

6.1.3 However, these first M-approximations do not only lead to energy in the Einstein formula, but also in our new dynamical correlation. The total energy, GE, increases, since the Einstein energy from 1st, left parenthesis increases – and thereby also: the energy in 2nd (r.) bracket, dynamics, increases according to the energy in the 2nd (right) parenthesis, dynamics, increases disproportionately: by power of 2 as long as M grows, the ratio (E/M)² remains proportionally constant.

6.1.4. this creates a lot of GE, total-energy, which leads to the fact that there is an energy-push (!!!), which brings further strings “out of their sleep” and makes them become quanta etc. (see also PR 12-05-2023).

6.1.5 There is an explosion, the big bang …

6.1.6. more and more matter is formed …

6.1.7. the matter-building-process continues so long, until a majority of the (regionally) existing strings / quanta / protons / neutrons / nuclei / electrons … have been converted into matter, “M”.

6.1.8 With this matter “M” it remains (for the time being) since no further “M” can form for lack of further strings etc..

6.1.9 At this (limited) “M”, nevertheless, extremely much additional energy has formed, in particular “dynamic energy”, which is more powerful, than the pure Einstein energy. This “Dynamic Energy” looks for other forms of appearance than (only) “Matter” – i.e. e.g.: “Dark Matter” (see bullet point 6.) and “Dark Energy” (see bullet point 7.).

For the “other manifestations” listed under 6.1.9. we fall back again to the 1st equation.

7. dark matter

7.1 Dark matter is at first quite large (s.a. Wikipedia, 13.7 billion years ago: 63%). This results from the aspects that

7.1.1. matter was initially very concentrated

7.1.2. in the dynamics correlation the TIME-energy(-formula) was predominant (TIME: much M in the numerator, as well as relatively little E in the denominator – and SPACE: little E in the numerator and much M in the denominator)

7.1.3. first of all (3-D-)space had to be “won” first (with every M automatically – according to Einstein simultaneously – also space is created – but according to Einstein just only in the 3-D dimension – we add the 4-D dimension with our dynamics multiplier).

7.1.4. the (up to now “dark”) surplus energies – the “4-D-energy”-dimensions, also arises immediately, their main force, however, is used for the initial expansion (big bang) its total force is (at first also because of the matter concentration ) …

a) counterproductive, because the dynamic-multiplier at first, because of too much matter-concentration, is even smaller than 1 and the braking (TIME-)effect must be overcome first (with big-bang), to be able to achieve expansion-/(SPACE-)vortex-effect – and

b) at first relatively small as multiplier for the universe-total-energy. At the beginning there is not yet enough vortex-force, with which RAUM-force (Dark Energy) …

a) can defend itself against its “suppression” by the TIME-force (Dark Matter). But this changes from the time after the Big Bang, when a) all matter has been created from the basic elements; b) the maximum GE for this Big Bang has been reached; and c) the effect of the Dynamic Multiplier becomes 1 or greater.

8 Dark Energy

8.1 Dark energy (primarily RAUM energy, E/M) is initially quite small. This results from the fact that…

8.1.1 Dark matter (primarily TIME-energy, M/E) is at first still quite large due to the matter concentration in the big bang process.

8.1.2 Enough energy must form first to be able to work against the force of the dark matter – and to be able to let arise first only enough 3-D-space, so that “real” matter can form for the left Einstein-simple-relativity-equation.

8.1.3 From the time, where at TIME (M/E) M is not divided by zero (E) any more, i.e. from the time, where some “dark matter-force” arises …

a) not only the “time begins to tick” (for the real matter), starts an existence, where before there was a nothing at all (because M/zero is NOT) – AND

b) at the same time the space is created, which is needed for the formation of the matter (SPACE = E/M). As long as E is zero, zero/M is always only zero, no matter how much potential pre-matter particles (strings, quanta, electrons …) prevail – without space no matter can be formed.

8.1.4 The more (pre-)matter-particles connect, the more energy is released. In a chain reaction of many connections, the big bang is created, which leads to the above mentioned 1st equation.

8.1.5 At the latest from now on the real fight between SPACE and TIME begins, “Dark Energy” against “Dark Matter”, free-space against centralization. And while it stood before the big bang 0 to 100 for the TIME, it stood shortly after the big bang … 5% (matter) to 32% (dark energy, SPACE) to 63% (dark matter, TIME) – and it stands today … 4.6% (matter) to 72% (SPACE) to 23% (TIME). In the universe the SPACE, the freedom wins. This is also very desirable for the earth …

8.2 At the latest from the time when the whole (pre-)matter has become matter, matter starts to decompose (u.v.a. super novas, “black holes” etc.). So, as humans build up to the 21st year of life more cells than old ones decompose, and from the 21st year of life more cells decompose than new ones build up – and with the latter begin to decompose energetically/physically.

8.2.1 Energy is released during decomposition. And one must ask where this energy remains. Because the total energy, GE, must remain constant – and …

a) Einstein’s Simple Relativity loses energy when matter becomes less;

b) TIME energy (M/E) weakens as less M is divided by more E; so all that remains is …

c) The SPACE energy (E/M) becomes stronger. The energy released during the decrease of matter leads to a strengthening of the first part, the SPACE-energy, in the area of the Dynamic Multiplier. This also corresponds to reality – and is not only mathematical “gimmick”.

8.2.2 The universe grows …

a) … at least “purely optically”.

b) … and in any case RAUM-Energetisch …

c) … but ev. the SPACE-energy-concentration, the stronger, more concentrated SPACE-energy-waves, leads to the fact that we think that the universe becomes faster and bigger than it is the case in the reality …

d) … maybe the “growing” and the violet coloration of (faster) moving away stars is only caused by the fact that the SPACE-waves become more concentrated – and we simply calculate wrong with our earthly meters and seconds …

e) … the VOIDs appear larger than all present calculations about the size of the universe – but perhaps an absolute vacuum has also only an optically magnifying magnifying glass effect …

f) … and ev. the u.E. opposite of the VOIDs, “black holes” is the inverted looking through a telescope – but in its energetic power just as strong and “big” as a VOID.

8.2.3 The one end of the universe

– is reached when all matter is decomposed,

– then Einstein’s Simple Relativity is (almost) zero,

– then TIME is also (almost) zero – and

– then space is (almost) infinite.

8.2.4 And at zero then everything implodes.

– Infinity divided by zero is NOTHING.

– Instead of big bang there is an in-spe implosion.

8.2.5 But where is then the total energy, GE ?


9. the total universe – and the universal energy

The other “side” of the universe – and the total universe

9.1 The Anti-Energy

We find the other side of the universe, if we …

“fly” through the black hole:
a.1. here we find e.g. also the anti-matter, that what from the matter

again to the pre-matter…

a.2. and if the total-energy on our current side of the universe becomes NOTHING, implodes, then there must be another kind of energy. Just as there is the anti-matter, there is also the anti-energy.

would look behind the big bang:
b.1. because there anti-matter has (had) accumulated and concentrated, which becomes new matter, if enough energy is added – like e.g. at the above mentioned In-Spe-Implosion, which lets the anti-energy become again “our” total-energy.

9.2 The Universal-Energy

Since there must be both kinds of energies, total-energy (GE) and anti-energy (AE) – and both “complement” and “fight” each other – there must be a superordinate consideration of energy. We call it Universal-Energy (UE).

9.3 For the a) total universe model, from the b) smallest particle to the total envelope and c) from the “beginning” to the “end”, with d) all opposing forces and variables, as well as e) within the constant universal energy, we must extend our first formula above:

UE = GE + AE

10. the graphical conception

10.1 The vortex-storm

On our side of the “black hole” we live in the area of the whirlwind. Out of a big bang, a large part of matter is swirled further and faster, torn apart, torn apart, torn apart. Until at some point everything collapses. NOTHING becomes. Only SPACE (E/M) (ONLY vacuum since M is then = 0) is mathematically NOTHING.

10.2 The reverse vortex: a kind of water vortex

On the other side of the “black hole” matter is decomposed into its original components, its energy is squeezed out, so energetically squeezed out by the “dark matter” that sometime NOTHING exists any more. Only TIME (M/E) (ONLY concentrated material pressure, since E is then = 0) is mathematically NOTHING.

10.3 The center – and the always recurring new beginning – of the universe

The universe origin lies in the center of both “swirls”:

10.3.1. in “our” area, the GE-area, the SPACE-energy from the big bang “sucks” and swirls the matter whirlwind-like and distributes it to the “top” and to the sides.

10.3.2. in the “other” area, the AE-area, the (almost) “NOTHING” of the SPACE area meets the (almost) NOTHING of the TIME area at the “outer sides of space”. The momentum of the whirlwind-like energetic SPACE-rotation transfers its power in this outer area of the space to a momentum on the other side, on the TIME- resp. the anti-energy AE-side of the space. This momentum – in the outer area of the other universe side – leads to the fact that

– it also comes to a vortex in the AE-area

– this vortex, however, does not suck everything from the origin, from the big bang to itself into the outer area, but

– this vortex acts like a water vortex:

– it starts to bring all the anti-matter-particles (which have been created by black holes, super novas, star collisions etc.) into shear.

– as the TIME-force is also (anti-)matter oriented, the trend arises to bring more and more particles together, to concentrate (and to displace SPACE)

– the “water vortex” sucks more and more (anti-)particles from the outer areas to its center, and

– is looking for an area, where there is a hole in the system, to relieve the center of the “water vortex

– this hole would be created by an IN-Spe-explosion – the (renewed) big bang

– but for this is missing

a. the union of all “black holes” and

b. the energy to let all the pre-matter particles become matter

– the pressure (the amount of anti-energy) of the water vortex in the extensive area of the big bang point in the center of the universe becomes so large sometime that the necessary energy for the matter formation – at least to the half – would be ready, if then all black holes would come together to form a large universal black hole

– in the further course of the events the water vortex central point energy increases

a. On the one hand by the energy of the implosion of the RAUM or GE area in two ways:

a.1. the GE-energy triggers a further thrust on the AE-vortex

a.2. the previously existing counterforce of the SPACE now falls away. It is like removing the dupps in the bathtub. The water starts to flow out – to flow into the former GE- or RAUM-area – and the water vortex/vortex of the AE- or TIME-area is strengthened in its effect/force by this.

b. On the other hand it comes about by the implosion of the GE-area that:

b.1. space as such also collapses in the 3-D dimension

b.2. by the latter all black holes of all galaxies are pressed together and cause an enormous pressure, an enormous anti-matter-compression

b.3. by the pressure now also the last remainders of energy are pressed out, by which now also the dimension TIME (M/E) is finally eliminated in its exertion of power and

b.4. thus the strings charge up again evenly and can now come together again as a line and a circle, so that quanta, protons, electrons, molecules, (again) matter can come into being

– a new big bang arises – and everything starts again from the beginning

– SPACE and TIME are present from the pre-(primordial) beginning to the im-plosion end and ex-plosion new beginning.

10.4 The outer edge of the universe

That which unites both vortices at their outer borders is the NOTHING. Outside of the two vortex-energies, outside of the “energy-ball” of the universal-energy, there is NOTHING. The total universe floats like a ball in the nothing. This does not mean, however, that there are not – elsewhere in the outside nothingness – possibly nevertheless further similar universal energy constellations.

10.5 The course

The universe lives. Even if it dies. If our side implodes, then so much energy implodes that the other side of the “black hole” gets enough energy to form new matter again.

10.6 Universal energy:

The only constant is the universal energy.

The only constant is the universal energy.

The only constant is the universal cycle: a perpetual motion machine.

D. Peace in freedom and prosperity:

I publish excerpts of my books here, because I try to reach all people on this way, and to relativize all current escalations and wrong developments as senseless and avoidable – also without the obstacle of having to buy 4 books. The world urgently needs a new basis. I propose astronomy laws as a neutral basis – and I hope the world agrees to take this approach as a compromise. Because the way we are currently acting, we are destroying the world.

We have invented the formulas of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATERIAL, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, UR-KNALL, and the ALL-encompassing UNIVERSE FORMULA … invented – and use them to optimize GLOBALONOMY: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, Common Good & Sustainability and Climate & Environment – worldwide!

(See books: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy )

You are welcome to become a sponsor for our research:

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Thank you for your interest

world-wide-wealth – Helmut Rasch

Heubergredder 14 A

22297 Hamburg


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autónomy – world-wide-wealth
Helmut Rasch
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22297 Hamburg
Phone: 017643376540

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