NPi Pupilometer: The Savior Device for Critical Care Patients

Irvine, CA, 2024-Jul-08 — /EPR Network/ — NeurOptics is a global pupillometry technology powerhouse, and its newest offering, the NPi®-300 Pupillometer, is set to transform critical care. This has been proven to be a must-have tool in performing neuro exams because it delivers accurate, reliable, and objective measures of pupil size and reactivity through the Neurological Pupil index (NPi).

The NPi Pupilometer has helped critical care professionals alter their approaches to patient care for those with neurological issues. The device replaces subjective and unsystematic PPA in which the clinician uses a penlight to estimate pupil size and reaction, providing objective information that is essential for monitoring patient changes in cases of TBI, CVA, and other neurological conditions. In the words of Eli Zimmerman, MD, of Vanderbilt University Medical Center: “Pupillometry may allow for more urgent medical or surgical intervention in some of our sickest patients, particularly those with rising intracranial pressures that can result in permanent damage, like brain herniation”​(Discoveries in Medicine)​.

The NPi®-300 Pupillometer might be one of the best neurological tools can be easily interfaced with the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) so data can be analyzed on a real-time basis with the capability of trending. This capability allows health care providers to observe fluctuations in the NPi over time like any other sign is observed, which in turn will enhance patient care. Alex C. Wilkie, RN, from the University of California-Irvine Medical Center, highlights the device’s impact: “The Pupillometer provides accurate, reliable, and objective pupillary reactivity measurements that we can trend just like any other vital sign”​(NeurOptics)​​(Business Wire)​.

After being embraced by over 700 hospitals worldwide, the NPi Pupillometer is particularly commended for its usability and compatibility with clinical workflows. The device is most useful in scenarios where the patient is unconscious or is under anesthesia; it gives valuable information when the clinical neurological assessment is impossible​(Business Wire)​.

NeurOptics continues with its mission of enhancing more of the pupillometry technology to make sure that clinicians will be able to provide the best care to patients who are in critical condition. If you would like to learn more about the NPi Pupillometer and its uses, you can check it out on the NeurOptics official website.


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