Global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Size, Revenue, Growth, Status and Forecast 2018-2025

Albany, US, 2018-Aug-21 — /EPR Network/ —A newly compiled business intelligent report, titled “Global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Size, Status and Forecast 2018-2025” has been publicized to the vast archive of Market Research Hub (MRH) online repository. The study revolves around the analysis of 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling market, covering key industry developments and market opportunity map during the mentioned forecast period. This report further conveys quantitative & qualitative analysis on the concerned market, providing a 360 view on current and future market prospects. As the report proceeds, information regarding the prominent trends as well as opportunities in the key geographical segments have also been explained, thus enabling companies to be able to make region-specific strategies for gaining competitive lead.

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This report focuses on the global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling development in United States, Europe and China.

Three-Dimensional (3D) mapping in this report has been defined as a solution that helps in building 3D maps of the surroundings with utmost accuracy and details. Whereas, 3D modeling is defined as a process of developing a 3D surface of any object or place with the help of specialized software, and hence the product developed is model in 3D. The 3D mapping and 3D modeling market can exist independently, but the playing fields are still the same. Nowadays, vendors are providing 3D mapping and modeling applications for various industry verticals such as healthcare, automotive, transportation, and logistics, aviation and space, building and construction, defense and public safety, media and entertainment, and lastly for the retail sector.
3D Mapping & 3D Modelling technologies are one of the fastest ways to build 3D environments in the highly demanding market. 3D mapping solutions quickly creates 3D maps of the surroundings with utmost clarity and accuracy, ready to plug into professional visualization operations. Major investments ongoing for 3D maps applications to be integrated with smartphones, market players, such as Samsung, Nokia, and other OEMs are entering this market. This growth is expected to be witnessed across various industries, owing to the multiple advantages this software offers.
In 2017, the global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during 2018-2025.

The key players covered in this study
Apple, Inc
Airbus Defence and Space
Trimble, Inc
Intermap Technologies
Topcon Corporation
Cybercity 3D
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
Golden Software LLC
The Foundry, NewTek, Inc (Lightwave 3D)
Pixologic, Inc
Blender Foundation
Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Market segment by Type, the product can be split into
3D Modelling
3D Mapping

Market segment by Application, split into
Entertainment & Media
Building & Construction

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers
United States
Southeast Asia
Central & South America

The study objectives of this report are:
To analyze global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.
To present the 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling development in United States, Europe and China.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.
To define, describe and forecast the market by product type, market and key regions.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling are as follows:
History Year: 2013-2017
Base Year: 2017
Estimated Year: 2018
Forecast Year 2018 to 2025
For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

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Table of Contents

1 Report Overview
1.1 Study Scope
1.2 Key Market Segments
1.3 Players Covered
1.4 Market Analysis by Type
1.4.1 Global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2013-2025)
1.4.2 3D Modelling
1.4.3 3D Mapping
1.5 Market by Application
1.5.1 Global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Share by Application (2013-2025)
1.5.2 Entertainment & Media
1.5.3 Automotive
1.5.4 Healthcare
1.5.5 Building & Construction
1.5.6 Defense
1.5.7 Transportation
1.5.8 Others
1.6 Study Objectives
1.7 Years Considered

2 Global Growth Trends
2.1 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Size
2.2 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Growth Trends by Regions
2.2.1 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Size by Regions (2013-2025)
2.2.2 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Share by Regions (2013-2018)
2.3 Industry Trends
2.3.1 Market Top Trends
2.3.2 Market Drivers
2.3.3 Market Opportunities

3 Market Share by Key Players
3.1 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Size by Manufacturers
3.1.1 Global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Revenue by Manufacturers (2013-2018)
3.1.2 Global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)
3.1.3 Global 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
3.2 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Key Players Head office and Area Served
3.3 Key Players 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Product/Solution/Service
3.4 Date of Enter into 3D Mapping & 3D Modelling Market
3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans


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