Founded in Scotland initiative launches crowdfunding campaign to assist Scottish Startup Scene

Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 2017-Jul-03 — /EPR Network/ — The Founded in Scotland initiative has launched a crowdfunding fundraising campaign on Crowdfunder.

Thanks to government backed innovation centres and even more to personal creativity and determination, the Startup scene in Scotland is booming. Digital Technology and Creative Media, Industrial Biotechnology, and Sensor and Imaging Systems are but a few of the areas where Scotland’s innovators are at the cutting-edge of technological advancement. The initiative ‘Founded in Scotland ’ aims to foster Scotland’s Startups and connect them not only with each other, but with a global network of industry. Setup in 2015, Founded in Scotland joined the global ‘FoundedX’ community which brings together startups from around the world onto one platform. It also serves as a springboard for new Scottish enterprise to benefit from global exposure.

With over 80 Scottish start-ups already enjoying the benefits of the initiative, Founded in Scotland itself is seeking to progress and has launched a campaign on to raise money towards upgrading its website and database, and also for advertising and promotional work for Scottish Startups. Having been funded up until now by its curator, Moira Stewart, she said, “The last 2 years have proved the viability and value of the Founded in Scotland initiative. Now the time is right to progress to the next level, and that requires an injection of financial support. I am hoping those who feel as passionately about Scottish Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit as I do, will contribute via our CrowdFunder campaign and help keep the Founded in Scotland initiative alive and thriving.”

The Founded in Scotland crowdfunding campaign is hoping to raise at least £8,000 by August 2017 and is accepting donations and offering rewards for pledges made, including limited edition branded goods and a Gleneagles Hotel overnight stay for two people.

For more information, or to add your Scottish startup or accelerator to the Founded in Scotland initiative, visit

About Founded in Scotland:

The Founded in Scotland initiative is a vibrant non-profit startup platform, showcasing Scotland’s most innovative startups and promoting our lively startup scene. As part of Founded X, a thriving worldwide startup community with over 1,600 members in over 100 countries, we aim to highlight innovative startups with Scottish roots and showcase the nation’s latest entrepreneurial ventures. We wish to inspire the people of Scotland to see what’s possible so the innovative culture continues to the next generation and beyond, and honour the Scottish entrepreneurs who have pursued their own ventures.

Moira Stewart
Company: Founded in Scotland
Registered Address: 18 Cairnlee Avenue East, Cults, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, AB15 9NH, Scotland
Phone: 01224 212522

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