All people are healthy!

Most people are born healthy, at least under "normal circumstances".

HAMBURG, Germany, 2021-Jun-24 — /EPR Network/ — Most are born healthy, at least under “normal circumstances”.

Unfortunately, world health is now worse than before the proclamation of the 17 UN SDGs in 2016*1. Just a crisis – and everything is gone. A shame – and sad at the same time.

Most people are born healthy, but very many fall (severely) ill in the course of their lives. Therefore, health is the 3rd main goal of the UN SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations *²(see brief summary of 3rd goal, below). After all, only healthy people can serve capital.

But capital can also earn a lot of money on sick people. When it is a matter of people who can work well and earn money, capital is doubly interested in their health. On the one hand, to maintain the system as workers and demanders. On the other hand, as demanders of medical products and services. And so it is that health is in 3rd place of the UN SDGs.

However, “normal circumstances” is what is only mentioned in the 17 UN SDGs as “later” (in their priority ranking) goals: 13, 14 and 15: clean air, water and earth. And even in the 3rd main objective (health), clean air, earth and water are only mentioned as the 9th and thus last of the primary sub-goals.

However, if there were “normal circumstances”, global health would be many times better – and all the measures currently planned would not be needed. The primary sub-objectives 1-8 (of the 3rd main objective, health) deal primarily with facts that need to be optimized. However, these goals are nothing more than “curing symptoms”. Symptoms that result from many aspects of a capital-oriented world. And this “curing” represents goals, which in turn represent capital investment necessities: 3b and 3c speak for themselves*².

But in a crisis, capital is even less there than before. Those who are sick become sicker.
And what could have prevented the current pandemic, 3d*², is the very last sub-item in the health listing. Just embarrassing, how urgent things were and are postponed. Urgent, because there have already been various preliminary stages of such a pandemic. Hopefully, the goals that really and primarily care for health – clean environment, goals 13, 14, 15 – will not be shifted the same way as pandemic prevention has been postponed.

But capital wants a quick return on investment. However, this is difficult to present in terms of prevention and at aspects far in the future. Too bad for our world – and for our health.
Health is even more expensive than nutrition. Therefore, only in 3rd place … of the 17 SDGs. And if many of those who are saved in health afterwards die of hunger, then health is not worth it at all. Or is it? Possibly to save yourself by preventing further mutations …?

As a help, 50 billion is currently being “fought” for, which are needed to vaccinate 60% of the world’s population*³. This is 0.3% of the amount that the richer countries have spent on their own economy and people against the corona crisis so far (4/2021). Too bad and sad. Because it is primarily about defense against further mutations. And even that succeeds only laboriously.

If even a sub-sub-goal – that can secure one’s own existence – can not be financed, how are the 17 other goals with 169 sub-goals to be financed? With the current capital system and the current world constellation … hardly possible!

Capital makes many and many sick. For the recovery, however, the states and people (“generality”) who have been made ill, should then pay. Recourse rarely succeeds – also because it is difficult to find the culprits. The capital system forces many to act the way they act, even if they don’t want to. Thus, it is not only or not primarily the people who are sick. In our view, the capital system itself is sick and needs a cure for recovery. A healthy world structure would make many of the 169 sub-goals and 17 sustainability goals obsolete.

The embarrassments of convulsive and futile attempts by the United Nations – to cure the symptoms of capital diseases in order to achieve sustainability – would be spared. Unfortunately, goals for a healthier capital system – which can achieve more than just curing the symptoms of one’s own capital diseases – are not listed in the 17-Sustainable Development GOALS and the 169 TARGETS.

According to Albert Einstein, “A problem cannot be solved with the same tools that caused it.

” Einstein? astronomy! The universe is the system that exists the longest (13.8 billion years), which has the most “members” (400 billion galaxies a per 100 billion stars plus their planets), which is the largest (50 billion light-years in diameter), which is still growing faster and faster; and which grows with fewer (1 super nova every 100 years) big crashes than the small world of the so-called “Homo-Sapiens” (1 big crisis every 3 years). Why not learn from the universe?

Said and done. “GlobalOnomy”* is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy-rules* to optimize our world. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability – worldwide! In our books, we reverse the capital-market laws 180 degrees.
1. Liberte, egalite, Fraternite already existed as targets in 1790. These three top goals of the French Revolution are not presented at all or only in a hint in the 17 UN SDGs from 2016. What a pity. With our GlobalOnomy model, we (also) achieve these 3 goals AND supplement them with “Realizabilite” – with feasibility aspects that the universe is showing us.
2. We eliminate poverty, hunger and more. All people worldwide become rich, full and happy. With “only” one(!) Astronomy “rule” use, we achieve ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And far more than just these 17 SDG minimum targets on a minimum compromise basis! Well before 2030.
3. With 10 other top rules, we consolidate and expand the achievements of the first rule.
4. There will be (soon) only wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will educate themselves and can eat and live healthy lives. Epidemics are avoided.
5. There are (soon) only transcendent people left, worldwide! If you do not have to constantly fight for your survival, or don”t have to make a name for yourself (since everyone is rich now), you can take care of others and other things.
6. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated – and knows that this world only exists once. And also, because they can afford sustainable products – and will demand and consist on them.
7. We rotate the Maslow pyramid of needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that they – like the wealthier people of today – can and will take great care of social aspects – and will think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow levels, which in today’s capital models provide for existential and profiling struggles, will hardly exist any more.
8. No wealthy person goes to war – or has to leave his family nor homeland, purely out of need for money.
9. Profiling neurotic, power addicts and/or warlike leaders have no chance with an intelligent and wealthy liberal population.
10. Finally, the long-awaited surge in demand arises.
11. However, the new demand does not go in the direction of cheap/mass-produced goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive cheap trend is broken.
12. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide.
Astronomy-rules will save our world. We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in German and English): In the GlobalOnomy trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

Further information can be found on We would be very pleased about your interest, participation and support.

*1 The 17 UN SDGs are goals that the international community set itself in 2016. This happened within the framework of the “United Nations” UN (United Nations Organization), to which 193 states belong. (The individual targets can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives are – with 193 participating states – naturally only a “minimum consensus”, the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their ablution,
1. not even the first 2 main goals – “no poverty” and “no hunger” – are achieved
2. there are only 2 states that have officially named the goals in their budget planning
3. there are no really binding measures – and hardly any effective cooperation
4. there are still no sanctions for non-fulfillments
5. development aid funds remain at minimum levels
6. world development funds remain far behind the national “defense” expenditure
7. tax and money washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, …)
8. Non-profit organizations, which could extremely help to achieve all these goals, play only a mini-role:
a. Too little donations are made, although (e.B. in Germany): i. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is engaged in charitable activities ii. 7.5% of the working time is used for charitable purposes iii. 18% (600,000) of all “companies” are non-profit organizations
b. The will is there – but is “systemically” blocked by the above-mentioned “capital vicious circles”.
c. We now “crack” the knot: With GlobalOnomy.
For more information on the individual goals, see below .

Target 3.1
By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births
Target 3.2
By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births
Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases
Target 3.4
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
Target 3.5
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
Target 3.6
By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
Target 3.7
By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes
Target 3.8
Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
Target 3.9
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Target 3.a
Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate
Target 3.b
Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and non-communicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries, provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all
Target 3.c
Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States
Target 3.d
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks

*³ “economist”, 22.05.2021: The covid-19 pandemic could be ended by mid-2022, if donor countries were willing to cough up a combined $50bn, according to the International Monetary Fund. The sum is the estimated cost of vaccinating 60% of the world”s population. A pittance, compared with the $16trn that governments have already spent supporting people and businesses during the pandemic.

*4 GlobalOnomie Trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie Or:
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

*5 We have invented the FORMULAS of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, … – and thus solved the mysteries around “DARK MATTER” (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why don’t the planets circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to?) and “DARK ENERGY” (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than theoretically possible?). We are now using all these insights and existing knowledge to optimize our world. See:

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autónomy – world-wide-wealth
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22297 Hamburg
Phone: 017643376540

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