18th/19th Century English and U.S. Pistols will Headline Bruneau & Co.’s Historic Arms & Militaria Auction, December 10

Cranston, RI, USA, 2022-Dec-05 — /EPR Network/ — Rare and highly collectible 18th and 19th century pistols from England and the United States will dominate the list of expected top lots in Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers’ 320-lot online-only Historic Arms & Militaria auction, slated for Saturday, December 10th, beginning promptly at 10 am Eastern time. It will be the first major winter auction event for Bruneau & Co.

The sale is well-rounded, with objects that are affordable for the beginning collector to the most advanced. Areas of focus include the French & Indian War, the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War I and World War II, as well as modern firearms. It contains everything from matchlock muskets to M1 Garand rifles, plus other desirable collectable militaria and uniforms.

“The auction contains an array of great material from many collections, including matchlock muskets from the 17th century, Revolutionary war-era muskets and bayonets, early 19th century arms, some really interesting early bolt-action rifles from the late 19th century, and collectible arms from World War I and II,” said Joel Bohy, Bruneau & Co.’s Director of Arms & Militaria.

Mr. Bohy added, “There is something for everyone in this auction, no matter what your interests are. For me, it is really interesting to look at the technology and engineering in the early arms and see how they changed over the centuries. It’s a learning experience also, as I see and handle these fine historic arms.” This will be Bruneau & Co.’s sixth Historic Arms & Militaria auction.

A circa 1826 U.S. Model 1826 Special Navy contract pistol, one of only a few examples known, is expected to hit the mark for $4,000-$6,000. The pistol features a .59 bore, walnut stock, steel butt cap, back strap, trigger guard, side plate and nose band. The lock is dated ‘1826’ on the tail and is marked “U.S. /H. Deringer / Philada” in front of the cock, with a swivel-type ramrod.

A pair of British Jover flintlock pistols from around the 1770s, each with an 8 ¼-inch-long barrel and an overall length of 14 ½ inches, should bring $3,000-$5,000. The .62 bore pistols, with walnut stocks and engraved brass butt caps, are marked “Jover” in script on the lock plates in front of the cocks and the steel barrels are marked on the top of each, “London”, also in script.

A circa 1770s British officer’s fusil (flintlock musket) and bayonet by Sharp, marked on the top, “Sharp London”, with proof marks on the left side of the breech, and a lock plate engraved with a patterned border and “Sharp” in the front of the cock, is estimated to reach $3,000-$5,000. The .72 bore musket features a walnut stock with raised carved shell pattern close to the barrel tang.

A pair of English silver and brass mounted flintlock pistols from around 1760, both 13 inches in length including the barrel, are expected to realize $3,000-$5,000. The steel locks are marked “Elston” and the top of the barrels are marked “London”. The .66 bore weapons have walnut stocks with scallop shell-type aprons around the barrel tangs and silver grotesque mask butt caps.

A George W. Tryon martial flintlock pistol, made in the U.S. sometime between 1815 and 1830, 14 ¾ inches long (including 9 ¼ inch barrel) should achieve $2,000-$2,500. The .65 bore pistol has a walnut stock, engraved brass butt cap and trigger guard, brass ramrod pipes and a flat lock plate marked “Tryon” in front of the cock. It’s also marked “Tryon/Philadelphia” on the breech.

An American-made .36 caliber Morrill, Mossman & Blair-type Elgin cutlass pistol, circa 1840, overall 18 ¼ inches long, has an estimate of $3,000-$5,000. The pistol has no serial numbers or markings, but does boast a walnut bag-type grip, dark blue-black care colored boxlock with long curved tangs, round barrel with front and rear site and a large clip-point blade with trigger guard.

A cased Imperial protector ring pistol, French or Belgian, 2mm, having a German silver ring marked, “Imperial Protector” with engraved designs, is expected to hammer for $3,000-$5,000. The gun has a blue band around the ring and a blued seven-shot cylinder. It comes in the original blue Morocco-covered case with blue velvet lining, three original cartridges and a screwdriver.

A 16th century German lever-trigger military match lock musket, .71 bore, having a walnut stock with a three-dot stamp on the right side behind the lock plate, should garner $2,000-$3,000. The musket has an iron lever-type trigger, iron rectangular lock plate with foliate designs stamped on each end, a serpentine match holder with a clam shell base, and a wooden ramrod with flared tip.

Internet bidding will be facilitated by,,, and the mobile app “Bruneau & Co.” on iTunes or GooglePlay.

Live, in-gallery previews will be held Thursday and Friday, December 8th and 9th, from 9 am to 4 pm Eastern time, in the Bruneau & Co. gallery located at 63 Fourth Avenue in Cranston, Rhode Island, and on auction day, December 10th, when doors open at 8 am Eastern time. To schedule an appointment please call (401) 533-9980 or you can send an email to

To learn more about Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers and the online-only Historic Arms & Militaria auction planned for Saturday, December 10th at 10 am Eastern, visit

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