IranPlast 2016: Ceresana Presents Consulting Services and New Market Studies

Konstanz, Germany, February 22, 2016 — /EPR NETWORK/ — The end of economic sanctions against Iran creates a gold-rush atmosphere for many industries. The country counting 75 million inhabitants owns rich oil and gas resources and is returning to the world market. After almost ten years of isolation, there is an enormous pent-up demand of investments. Especially German companies hope for orders worth billions – after all, Iran was for a long time the second most important overseas export market, only surpassed by the USA. Not only the market potential but also the need for information is high: Until business relations are completely normalized, many obstacles will have to be overcome. Ceresana is therefore excited to take part for the first time with its own stand on the IranPlast in Tehran to present its practice-oriented services and market data.

Up-to-Date Market Data for Iran

Since 2002, the Iranian trade fair for plastics, rubber as well as machines, equipment and services in this segment is organized by the National Petrochemical Company (NPC), a subsidiary of the Ministry of Petroleum. This year, more than 800 companies and 70.000 visitors are expected to attend the tenth IranPlast. Ceresana is assigned to the category “services” and offers useful information for foreign companies that are looking for access to Iran as well as market data for Iranian companies.

On time for the IranPlast, Ceresana publishes a study on the Iranian petrochemical and plastics market. Furthermore recent publications are: A completely revised edition of the study on synthetic rubber as well as a new analysis on the world market for bags and sacks. Particularly interesting for visitors of the IranPlast are also our new market studies on polyurethane and isocyanates, on adhesives and on a wide range of packaging topics.

Specialists for Plastics, Rubber and Packaging

The market research institute Ceresana has been supporting the plastics industry for more than 14 years with over 100 independent market studies, customized single-client studies as well as implementation-oriented consulting services. Ceresana supplies thousands of satisfied customers in 60 countries with up-to-date market intelligence through its headquarters in Constance. Ceresana’s analysts are specialized in the markets for plastics, rubber and additives as well as chemicals, raw materials and important sales markets such as packaging and construction materials. Ceresana’s clients profit from reliable forecasts regarding products, applications and countries: Thanks to our profound market data, they can identify opportunities and risks in time, including upstream and downstream markets.

You can find Ceresana on the Tehran International Permanent Fairground from April 13 to April 17, 2016 in hall 38 at stand 57.

Meeting appointments during the fair and further information:

Contact-Details: Ceresana
Blarerstr. 56
78462 Constance
Tel.: +49 7531 94293 0
Fax: +49 7531 94293 27
Press Contact: Martin Ebner,

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