Global Breast Cancer Market to Grow Strongly in the Coming Years Driven by Rising Healthcare Expenditure

Albany, US, 2018-Apr-03 — /EPR Network/ — An up-to-date research report has been disclosed by Market Research Hub highlighting the title “Global Breast Cancer Market Industry Analysis & Outlook (2018-2022) which provides an extensive research and detailed analysis of the present market along with future outlook. The report discusses the major growth drivers and challenges of the market, covering the US, Europe and APAC regions along with the global market. The report profiles the key players of the market including Johnson & Johnson, AbbVie, AstraZeneca and Roche.

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‘Breast cancer’ defines a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. Some breast cancers are called in situ as they are confined within the ducts (ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS) or lobules (lobular carcinoma in situ or LCIS) where they originated. Although, less commonly, breast cancer can also instigate in the stromal tissues, which includes the fatty and fibrous connective tissues of the breast. In the early stages, breast cancer may not cause any symptoms. A lump may be too small to feel or to cause any unusual changes that could be noticed on own. Typically, an abnormal area shows up on a screening mammogram which leads to further testing. Several risk factors including smoking and alcohol consumption, exposure to estrogen, gender, age, family history and personal history are linked to the growth of breast cancer.

The global breast cancer market is likely to grow strongly in the coming years driven by rising healthcare expenditure, rising diabetic and obese population, increasing consumption of alcohol and tobacco and rising female population above 65 years of age. Key trends of the market includes rising development of PARP inhibitors, increasing adoption of minimally invasive procedures and rising awareness programs and research grants. However, growth of the market can be hindered by several factors including financial burden of breast cancer, drug development challenges in developing countries, and long term side effects of drugs.

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Table of Content:

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Breast Cancer
    1.2 Types
    1.3 Stages
    1.4 Risk Factors
    1.4 Symptoms & Diagnosis
    1.5 Treatment
  2. Global Breast Cancer Market
    2.1 Global Breast Cancer Market by Value
    2.2 Global Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Value
    2.3 Global Breast Cancer Market by Region
    2.4 Global Breast Cancer Drug Development by Stages
  3. Regional Breast Cancer Market Analysis
    3.1 The U.S.
    3.1.1 The U.S. Breast Cancer Market by Value
    3.1.2 The U.S. Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Value
    3.1.3 The U.S. Breast Cancer Market by Addressable Population
    3.1.4 The U.S. Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Addressable Population
    3.1.5 The U.S. Breast Cancer Population by Age
    3.1.6 The US HER2+ Node Positive Breast Cancer Patients Volume
    3.1.7 The US HER2+ Node Negative Breast Cancer Patients Volume
    3.1.8 The US HER2+ Node Negative (High Risk) Breast Cancer Patients Volume
    3.2 Europe
    3.2.1 EU5 Breast Cancer Market by Value
    3.2.2 EU5 Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Value
    3.2.3 Europe HER2+ Node Positive Breast Cancer Patients Volume
    3.2.4 Europe HER2+ Node Negative Breast Cancer Patients Volume
    3.2.5 Europe HER2+ Node Negative (High Risk) Breast Cancer Patients Volume
    3.3 APAC
    3.3.1 APAC Breast Cancer Market by Value
    3.3.2 APAC Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Value
    3.3.3 APAC Breast Cancer Market by Countries
    3.3.4 Japan’s Breast Cancer Market by Value
    3.3.5 Japan’s Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Value
    3.3.6 China’s Breast Cancer Market by Value
    3.3.7 China’s Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Value
    3.3.8 Australia’s Breast Cancer Market by Value
    3.3.9 Australia’s Breast Cancer Market Forecast by Value

…………continue (List of Tables and Figures)

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