Young South African small business female blogger is officially launching her blog “Small Biz Online Academy,” in Johannesburg

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Johannesburg, South Africa, 2016-Jun-13 — /EPR Network/ — Young South African small business female blogger is officially launching her blog “Small Biz Online Academy,” in Johannesburg ,  20th June 2016. She stated that the blog is still at it’s infancy  stage but  greatness is about to be witness, bringing information ,small business ideas, news, online business coaching,  available business opportunities within the reach of aspiring entrepreneurs and struggling small businesses so they can thrive. The founder of Small Biz Online Academy Florence Moea, mentioned that her  ultimate goal is to raise a standard of excellence  with this blog and in a process eradication of rejection small businesses  experience in their early stages trying to build credibility  and accessing funds should occur and totally diminish. Small biz online academy is a movement geared to bringing awareness of different types businesses; free business opportunities, low cost and paid.

It does not matter whether one did not get the funding today what is required is to enrich the mindset so small opportunities can be discovered that will lead to bigger opportunities. What a blessing that we have our fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers who we now call guru’s, who have journeyed before us in this world of business so we can draw inspiration from them how the conquered their challenges so we can also be conquerors . Small biz online academy will be inviting all this awesome people in due time so they can assist us to curve trial and errors by imparting their knowledge and experience, said Florence .

Positive comments on the blog from different countries globally are already indicating direction to rapid growth that will be witnessed.


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