Two Pro Se US Civil Court District of Kansas Federal Lawsuits Allege Conspiracy to Interfere and are Against a JoCo Family Court Judge and Several Kansas Attorneys and Guardian ad Litems

Kansas Judge Discovery of Conspiracy to Interfere with Children's and Father's Rights in the Heartland

OLATHE KANSAS, USA, 2023-Nov-13 — /EPR Network/ — Two separate but related newly filed United States Civil Court District of Kansas federal lawsuits are looking landmark disclosing what may be the largest ever discovery of judicial misconduct affecting civil rights ever seen in the state’s history. It involves an entire family court division 14 in the 10th Judicial District.  Judge Paul W. Burmaster and administrative staff, several Kansas licensed guardian ad litems, and several licensed Kansas Bar civil attorneys.  The first Section 1983 Federal Civil Rights suit shows filed on October 19th, 2023, against family court district judge Paul Will Burmaster.  The suit filing, 2:23-CV02471 Escalante vs. Burmaster, now contains four federal complaints alleging civil rights violations and was ushered in by a Kansas father, Matthew Aaron Escalante, whom represents himself as his own attorney.  Mr. Escalante, is biological dad to two daughters, all who reside out of Gardner Kansas.  Now brings into the federal court the matters from his Johnson county custody proceedings, in which Paul Burmaster is presiding judge over JOCO 18-CV03813.  The judge lawsuit contains and supports with many facts that in the last two years specifically, the civil judge has wrongfully moved without jurisdiction against him and best interest in fraud Kansas protective orders, unlawful detainments off of void family court orders and non-statutory contempt hearings, and many more atrocities.  The second federal civil rights lawsuit, 2:23-CV02491, is Escalante vs Escalante, Wilson and Bell-Lloyd, was filed also by Pro Se dad Matt Escalante on November 6th 2023.   The lawsuit brief in support is large and details years of civil rights complaints against the mother of his children, her civil attorney and the children’s Guardian ad Litem, all whom are defendants.  The defendants are alleged to be violating the rights of the children, as they violate the rights of a father.   Both lawsuits when evaluated, give support to each other and a main claim of both lawsuits, that the Kansas dad has wiggled out from underneath an illegal structured conspiracy to interfere with his civil rights, and his children’s as well, and he now just placed the whole conspiracy into 1983 Deprivations of Civil Rights complaints for the Kansas Magistrates evaluation.  The opposing counsel antagonist is alleged to be defendant Christopher T Wilson, whom is managing partner of Ward Beam Wilson Kruse and Fletes LLC out of Overland Park, KS.  Counsel Wilson is alleged as conspirator next to Judge Paul W Burmaster as co-conspirator. Olathe Guardian ad Litem Lewanna Bell-Lloyd is alleged third conspirator.  And all defendants were just issued Summons by the high court last week.  This is federal story being disclosed that strongly suggests a huge breach of ethics in our children’s family courtroom in Johnson County Kansas.  Other attorneys showing in the complaint contents are Guardian ad Litem Trina Nudson of Layne Project, and Olathe attorney Edward Bigus.  The evidence appearing all over the internet has more compelling pieces to it.  The Kansas dad had gone to the Kansas Commission of Judicial Conduct initially with his first official grievance in March 2023, and since then, Judge is alleged to have gone through 3 inquires with Panel A of the KCJD.  And some of the fathers evidence disclosures show the county judge under close to 50 dockets in the KCJD’s purview that were set to be heard on October 6th 2023.  Emails disclosed show the KCJD administrative assistant Maria Moore, informing the father that a ‘matter’, not able to be disclosed by the Commission, had a 2-4 week timeline expectation on it.  The state assistant explains that because of the recent ‘security incident’ that the Kansas Judicial Branch experienced on Oct 12, 2023, that the matters in the commission’s hand had all been delayed without a time expectation for completion now.  One of those ‘matters’ is judicial ethics complaint Numbered#3056.  That is a criminal allegation against Judge Paul W Burmaster.  It’s an ethic probe. And there’s alleged to be approx. 49 others in place and the Commission is stating its ‘all delayed’. #3056 filing paperwork found in as upload from the pro se father, alleges a 2022 Kansas Protective order in case 22CV03391 was procured out of fraud means by false construct ‘evidence’ embeds into Doc #1 petition which is stamped as a finalized petition by the Clerk of the District Court at 11:20Am, 7/8/22.  But the problem, that does look very visible, at 11:21AM and 11:23AM the doc#1 shows additional unnumbered pages were added after 11:20AM, it was altered after original docketing event. Kansas Criminal Statute 21-5920, states that is a tampered public record then by definition.  Doc #1 cannot have extra anything after 11:20AM unless by Amendment process, and this was pages of purported ‘evidence’ that got pushed in after docketing. The judicial complaint filing from the father under Kansas Supreme Court oath of the commission is stating the evidence was false.  And 11:21AM and 11:23AM times stamps indicate that the court had that ‘false’ evidence already in their hands for someone to be able to embed into the Doc #1 after it was received from the Kansas Protection Portal.  That’s a resource website that any DV victim can file a petition for protective order at any time of day and it gets sent straight to the court.  At 11:21AM on July 08. 2022, Doc#1 was transmitted by the portal.  The Kansas portal does not allow documents to be uploaded and attached, bearing an affirmative that at 11:21Am, someone was inside the courthouse ready with documents. Waiting to unlawfully embed them into the Doc#1 petition that they knew was about to arrive by electronic transmission from the portal. But to get into the computer system, there were tracks left of 11:21 and 11:23, but no amendment process under civil rule of procedure made it all very illegal.  Somewhere in the embedding process the tampered pages hit a printer, at 11;21 and 11:23 to get them into the Johnson county system creating a large piece of evidence of tampering and then conspiracy to interfere with a father and daughter’s relationship by use of a fraud protective order.  The facts of all those cases, indicate there’s only one person who could have orchestrated half of them conspiracy from inside the courthouse.  Judge Paul Burmaster.   Judge is then seen 33 minutes later, approving of the tampered Doc #1, and he then signed a temporary protective order. These are huge crimes and clear violations of several constitutional amendments rights of fair hearing and trial and due process.  Bear in mind, this is in Domestic Violence petition for Stalking that separated two children from their father. These two federal lawsuits are about to unveil a massive conspiracy involving other proceedings as well.  2 other fathers in the division 14 court also have dockets open with Kansas Commission of Judicial Conduct.  Mr Steven Knoche, pro se father and Mr Brandon Chaney, pro se father also bring allegations to the state ethics commission and holding dockets numbers alleging judicial misconduct by Hon. Judge Paul Burmaster in their childrens custody cases.  The image seen in this press release were pulled off the Plaintiff fathers facebook account from this morning. On November 11, 2023,  the department of justice and U.S. attorneys just entered appearances in the judge suit.  Don’t take your eyes of the Kansas federal court next week.

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