Medical Tubing Packaging Market: Rise in Geriatric Population Likely to Demonstrate Growth

Albany, US, 2018-Oct-24 — /EPR Network/ —

Owing to rising geriatric population and corresponding hike in age-related maladies medical tubing finds surged applications in healthcare such as fluid management, anaesthesiology, and respiratory problems amongst others, thus maneuvering growth in medical tubing packaging market.

Further, medical tubing packaging market is likely to anchor growth with adoption of minimally invasive surgical procedure. To gauge recent market advances and their reciprocal implications on the growth of medical tubing packaging market, Market Research Hub(MRH) has compiled a new research offering titled, ‘Medical Tubing Packaging Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2018 – 2026‘ to its rich catalogue.

Application Specific Raw Material Selection Remains a Priority in Medical Tubing Packaging Market

Owing to demand maximization leading vendors in medical tubing and packaging market are striving to adhere to set standards to enhance functionality of medical tubing packaging in various healthcare and pharmaceutical applications. Some of the accepted standards include Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Current Good Manufacturing Process (cGMP). To adhere to stipulated standards, leading providers invest substantially on application specific raw materials in the manufacturing process. To cite an instance, owing to high resistance silicone tubing is massively used in medical tubing packaging market. However, the product is excluded in implantable, in-body applications.

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DowDuPont Co. Expands Texas Facility to Match Demand Maximization in Medical Tubing Packaging Market

To match up to increased end-user demands, industry behemoth DowDuPont, a merged entity of Dow Chemicals and DuPont has affirmed its imminent investments worth $100 million over a span of two years to improve capabilities and production facilities of specialty plastic material in its production site in Texas. The company is also said to speculate further investment in new facility expansion, to remain industry specific. With such ambitious ventures in pipeline DowDuPont is expected to harbor its leading stance in medical tubing packaging market.

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Plastic Medical Tubing Packaging Segment to Dominate Market Share

In the succeeding sections, the report enumerates various segments exhibited in medical tubing packaging market, based on which the market is splintered as material type, process type, and application. On the basis of material type, medical tubing packaging market is sectioned as plastic, silicone, and metal. Based on process type, the market demonstrates extruded tubing, thermoformed tubing, heat shrink tubing, reinforced tubing, and laser machined tubing as core market fragments. The report exhibits general purpose application, catheter tubing, persistaltic pump tubing, and surgical tubes amongst others as dominant application types. Based on end-use, medical tubing packaging market is stratified as hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, diagnostic centers, clinics, and medical labs.

Further, the report enlists a detailed overview of geographical expanse of medical tubing packaging market, based on which the market is stratified as Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and Middle East and Africa.

Competition Dashboard: Medical Tubing Packaging Market

On the basis of thorough research elements included in the report, readers gain vital cues on various marketing tactics and tools implemented by core market players across regions and their corresponding impact on end-user response such as their buying preferences and subsequent purchase preferences. Some of the leading players identified in medical tubing packaging market comprise, The DOWDuPont Inc, Teknor Apex Company, Nordson Corporation, Duke Extrusion, FBK Medical Tubing, Inc., and Polyzen, Inc. amongst others.

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