Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market Demand, Up-coming Trends, Opportunities by 2025

Albany, US, 2019-Sep-25 — /EPR Network/ —The global market status for Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market is precisely examined through a smart research report added to the broad database managed by Market Research Hub (MRH). This study is titled “Global (United States, European Union and China) Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market Research Report 2019-2025”, which tends to deliver in-depth knowledge associated to the Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market for the present and forecasted period until 2025. Furthermore, the report examines the target market based on market size, revenue and geography; making it quite useful for the readers.
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Specialty pressure-sensitive tapes are defined as a series of pressure-sensitive tapes that can be only used in specific areas instead of multiple uses. As a kind of pressure-sensitive tapes, specialty pressure-sensitive tapes adhere to surfaces when pressure is applied and do not require solvents, heat, or other agents. These tapes are used in the industrial and construction applications because of their high-tensile strength. They are also used in the healthcare and automotive industries for their fastening and bonding properties. Many variants of these tapes, such as double-sided tapes, are available in the market.
3M is the leading company in USA specialty pressure sensitive tape industry which produce products accounts for more than 25% of USA market. Though tape plant of 3M is distributed around the world, it specialty pressure sensitive tapes are mainly manufactured in USA. The following players in this field are Avery Dennison and Intertape Polymer, the production amount of which are much lower, though. Generally, the specialty pressure sensitive tape industry is concentrated compared with the whole pressure sensitive tape area, but still quite fragmented. The sales revenue of medium sized players are rather even and looks small compared with leading players like 3M. It is their professions in each industry that brought in this situation. The end use of specialty pressure sensitive tape is fragmented as more than 10 categories, among which, electronics, automotive and medical are the major applications. It is estimated that the growth in hygiene area would be met with rapid increase due to the growing attention in health care industry. Also, traditional specialty pressure sensitive tapes that used in industrial application would still be the steady usage.
The price of specialty pressure sensitive tape has been trending down for the past years past years, due to the fierce competition in this field. Also, the market is vulnerable to economic situation change. The depression of local market would greatly influence the revenue of specialty pressure sensitive tape producers, compared with common pressure sensitive tape manufacturers. We tend to believe this market is highly mature in USA, and challenges would be faced in price competition with developing countries, industry monopoly and increasingly growing wage standard in USA. On product prices, the slow downward trend in recent years will maintain in the future, as competition intensifies, prices gap between different brands will go narrowing. Similarly, there will be fluctuation in gross margin.
This report studies the global market size of Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes, especially focuses on the key regions like United States, European Union, China, and other regions (Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia).
This study presents the Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes production, revenue, and market share and growth rate for each key company, and also covers the breakdown data (production, consumption, revenue and market share) by regions, type and applications. History breakdown data from 2014 to 2019, and forecast to 2025.
For top companies in United States, European Union and China, this report investigates and analyzes the production, value, price, market share and growth rate for the top manufacturers, key data from 2014 to 2019.
In global market, the following companies are covered:
Avery Dennison
Intertape Polymer
Berry Plastics
Nitto Denko
American Biltrite
Arkema (Bostik)
Shurtape Technologies
DeWAL Industries
Johnson & Johnson
Syntac Coated Products
CCT Tapes
Adhesives Research
Lamart Corp
Coroplast Tape Corporation
Worthen Industries
Cardinal Health
Main Tape
Adhesive Applications
Medline Medical
Market Segment by Product Type
Single Coated Tape
Double Coated Tape
Reinforced Single Coated Tape
Unsupported Single Coated Tape
Market Segment by Application
White Goods
Key Regions split in this report: breakdown data for each region.
United States
European Union
Rest of World (Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
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Table of Contents
1 Report Overview
1.1 Research Scope
1.2 Major Manufacturers Covered in This Report
1.3 Market Segment by Type
1.3.1 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2019-2025)
1.3.2 Single Coated Tape
1.3.3 Double Coated Tape
1.3.4 Reinforced Single Coated Tape
1.3.5 Unsupported Single Coated Tape
1.3.6 Others
1.4 Market Segment by Application
1.4.1 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market Share by Application (2019-2025)
1.4.2 Electrical
1.4.3 Medical
1.4.4 Automotive
1.4.5 White Goods
1.4.6 Hygiene
1.4.7 Paper/Printing
1.4.8 Building/Construction
1.4.9 Retail/Graphics
1.4.10 Aerospace
1.4.11 Others
1.5 Study Objectives
1.6 Years Considered
2 Global Growth Trends
2.1 Production and Capacity Analysis
2.1.1 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Production Value 2014-2025
2.1.2 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Production 2014-2025
2.1.3 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Capacity 2014-2025
2.1.4 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Marketing Pricing and Trends
2.2 Key Producers Growth Rate (CAGR) 2019-2025
2.2.1 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market Size CAGR of Key Regions
2.2.2 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market Share of Key Regions
2.3 Industry Trends
2.3.1 Market Top Trends
2.3.2 Market Drivers
3 Market Share by Manufacturers
3.1 Capacity and Production by Manufacturers
3.1.1 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Capacity by Manufacturers
3.1.2 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Production by Manufacturers
3.2 Revenue by Manufacturers
3.2.1 Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Revenue by Manufacturers (2014-2019)
3.2.2 Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2014-2019)
3.2.3 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
3.3 Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Price by Manufacturers
3.4 Key Manufacturers Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Plants/Factories Distribution and Area Served
3.5 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Market
3.6 Key Manufacturers Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Product Offered
3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 Market Size by Type
4.1 Production and Production Value for Each Type
4.1.1 Single Coated Tape Production and Production Value (2014-2019)
4.1.2 Double Coated Tape Production and Production Value (2014-2019)
4.1.3 Reinforced Single Coated Tape Production and Production Value (2014-2019)
4.1.4 Unsupported Single Coated Tape Production and Production Value (2014-2019)
4.1.5 Others Production and Production Value (2014-2019)
4.2 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Production Market Share by Type
4.3 Global Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Production Value Market Share by Type
4.4 Specialty Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Ex-factory Price by Type
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