India’s leading dating app “Woo” launches Vaccination Badge for its 10 million user base

New Delhi, India, 2021-Jun-19 — /EPR Network/ — Woo, a leading dating app in India, has launched a Vaccination Badge as its new functional feature: where you can proudly flaunt your responsible choice of action in the fight against COVID-19.

Woo dating app believes that more vaccinations will allow people to once again meet in person and connect in meaningful ways.

Woo dating app has always promoted the idea of a safe and comfortable dating platform, where you can discover meaningful relationships, especially for women.

Nowadays, health is one of the major concerns and it is motivating people to make smart and informed choices when looking for a match on a dating app. Woo’s recent research analysis confirms that 70% of the people will consider meeting their dates if they are vaccinated.

Interestingly vaccination has now become a parameter to showcase a personality trait and also behaves like an initial level filter for many people. Hence keeping the users at priority, Woo dating app has introduced the Vaccination Badge. It’ll help users to make an informed and smart choice.

“Although providing vaccination status on our app is optional, data has shown that people are more likely to date someone who has received a COVID-19 vaccination. An important part of returning to normal is helping people feel safe as they connect in person,” says Ritesh Bhatnagar, CMO of the homegrown, women’s first dating app, Woo.

How this feature functions?

For new registrations, the user will be able to choose their vaccination status at the very beginning of their onboarding process. Along with the basic information like name, gender, etc., the user will be able to choose their vaccination status as well. If the user declares themselves as vaccinated, they will be prompted to upload a snapshot of their vaccination certificate (either of their first dose or the complete vaccination certificate).

For the already existing Users, they can head over to their edit profile section, where they’ll find a sections querying – ‘Are you vaccinated?’ wherein users will be asked to upload a snapshot suggesting the same.

It’s an easy process to declare the vaccination status, where an individual can earn their vaccination badge and can showcase it on their profile to join the like-minded people, who have already received their jabs.

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