Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, USA, 2021-Dec-23 — /EPR Network/ — There are various types of substance use disorders. Substance abuse and addiction come in many forms. It’s essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of addiction and how these disorders affect those who suffer from them. At Little Creek Recovery, our drug and alcohol rehab centers in Pennsylvania can help you or a loved one with addiction treatment.

What Is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse is the use of illegal drugs or prescription drugs and alcohol for reasons other than their intended purpose. Abusing substances can lead to social, physical, emotional, and job-related problems.

Drug and alcohol rehab centers in Pennsylvania utilize substance abuse treatment modalities to help individuals overcome substance abuse. Behavioral therapies and medications make this possible.

What Makes Substance Abuse Treatment Modalities Affective?

Behavioral therapies vary in their focus and may involve addressing a patient’s motivation to change, providing incentives for abstinence, and building skills to resist drug use. Holistic therapies work by replacing drug-using activities with constructive and rewarding activities.

They can also help improve problem-solving skills or facilitate better interpersonal relationships. Also, participation in group therapy during treatment along with peer support programs following treatment is shown to be very helpful in maintaining abstinence.

Medications play a role in treating opioid or alcohol addiction and can be effective when combined with counseling. Methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone are used to treat heroin users. Disulfiram and acamprosate reduce cravings for people dependent on alcohol.

How Long Does A Patient Stay In Substance Abuse Treatment?

It depends on the type and degree of one’s addiction problems and individual needs. Research reveals that most addicts need at least 3 months in substance abuse treatment modalities to significantly reduce or stop their drug use, but longer durations yield better outcomes because it is a long-term process.

Relapses do happen so they should signal for more treatments to be reinstated or adjusted. On average people leave too soon though which can lead back into addiction quickly if not done right. Drug and alcohol rehab centers in Pennsylvania work with each individual to find the best substance abuse treatment plan that works for them.

Substance Abuse Treatment Plans Must Be Continually Modified

A patient’s needs may change as they go through the course of treatment and recovery. In addition to psychotherapy, a person might need medication or medical services at different times in their life.

A continuing-care approach is recommended for most patients because it provides them with access to all these components throughout the entire process without any disruption between sessions or substance abuse treatment plans that focus on specific time spans rather than long-term wellness.

The most commonly abused substances include the following list below. Most substance abuse treatment modalities are specifically designed to treat individuals suffering from these addictions.


Alcohol, being a legal drug, is one of the most commonly abused substances in the world. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services defines moderate drinking as no more than a single drink per day for women. For men, the daily limit is two drinks. For women, the daily limit is one drink. Anything beyond that, and there is a risk for alcohol use disorder.

Here are some of the most typical symptoms of alcohol abuse:

  • Drinking more than you want to
  • Having trouble cutting back even when desired
  • Relationship problems with friends, family, or coworkers
  • Memory impairment or blackouts
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Slurred speech

It is important to have medical supervision for those who have been heavy drinkers for long periods of time. The withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous if not managed professionally. There are several detox medications that can be used to mitigate negative withdrawal symptoms. This is what makes visiting an accredited detox facility important instead of trying to withdrawal from alcohol alone. You might consider one of the best drug and alcohol rehab centers in Pennsylvania, Little Creek Recovery.


Recreational use and abuse of opiate-based drugs can lead to addiction. However, opiate addiction is often a result of using prescribed medications. Common drugs that contain opiates include Oxycodone and Morphine.

Doctors usually prescribe these drugs for severe pain. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that any use of opiates, including prescription use, can lead to addiction. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 70% of drug overdose deaths in recent years included an opioid.

Some of the most common signs of opiate dependence include:

  • Lack of control in using the drug
  • Spending more time or money on drugs
  • Can’t take less even when desired
  • Need more of the drug to get the same amount of relief
  • Experience of withdrawal symptoms when taking less or none of the drug

Whether an individual is suffering from prescription opioid abuse or the use of an illicit opioid drug, professional treatment is necessary. It’s important for individuals who are struggling with addiction to find hope and healing with the help of medical specialists who understand the recovery journey.


Cocaine is one of the most highly addictive drugs that can lead to life-threatening addiction and lasting consequences. Small amounts of the drug can cause feelings of euphoria. However, abuse of cocaine can lead to deadly overdose, unhealthy blood pressure, or severe damage to the nasal cavity.

Typical signs of cocaine abuse are:

  • Missing work
  • Mood swings
  • Dilated pupils
  • Financial problems
  • Irritability or depression
  • Over-confidence or over-excitement
  • Runny nose, nosebleeds, or needle marks

Withdrawal from cocaine can take months, depending on many factors, including length and amount of use. There can be extreme psychological experiences throughout the withdrawal process. The best way to break free from cocaine addiction is to seek help from a drug rehab center. With professional guidance and supervision, individuals can safely end substance use and find healing.

Prescription Drugs

Doctors prescribe medicines to patients all the time for various reasons. Abusing prescription drugs looks different depending on the individual. Generally, it means using the drug not as intended by the doctor.

Abusing prescription drugs is a big problem and can lead to serious health consequences. Some of the more commonly abused medicines include Xanax, OxyContin, Seconal, and Adderall. Addiction usually follows a progression: unintended use, misuse, abuse, and then addiction.

Here are some typical symptoms of prescription drug addiction:

  • Secretive behavior to obtain the drug
  • Using more than the prescribed amount
  • Past history of addiction
  • Poor decision making
  • Financial problems related to purchasing more drugs
  • Continuing to use the drug when no longer medically necessary

Drug and alcohol rehab centers in Pennsylvania can help you break your addiction and get back on the path to health. Merely talking to a medical professional that understands substance abuse treatment modalities can be a significant first step.

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