Detroit Opera debuts Little Red Riding Hood to enamored audience of all ages

DETROIT, USA, 2022-Mar-08 — /EPR Network/ — The newly renamed Detroit Opera debuted their young people’s program this past weekend to an engaged and enamored audience ranging in age from 6 to 60s. Little Red Riding Hood an operetta by Seymour Barab is a delightful introduction to opera. The 50-minute show has a sparse set, bold costumes, and big talent. David Moan (Wolf/Woodsman), Kaswanna Kanyinda (Mother/Grandmother), Imani Grosvenor (Little Red Riding Hood), and Joseph Jackson on piano provide a powerful, thrilling show with no microphones yet every note and word is clearly heard.

Mr. Wolf begins the tale with Suessical-esque song speak, a sprinkle of opera laughs, and a howl on top, creating an organic connection in the first composition.  Children of all ages remain invested and ready to assist which is great because Mr. Wolf requires their help several times. Red Riding Hood and Mother’s duet has everyone laughing about the relationships between moms, daughters, AND grandmas! Then skipping through the woods Red Riding Hood includes the audience in a mini opera sing-along. Suddenly the situation becomes tense as she meets Wolf in the woods through a telling, technically challenging, flawlessly executed duet. Calamity ensues at Gramma’s house in full operatic form and concludes with Red Riding Hood, Gramma, and Woodsman energetically explaining to Mother over the telephone all that had transpired that afternoon. Applause and a standing ovation for this small but mighty touring company! Following the show performers held a Talk Back session filled with many questions and spirited sharing.


There is still time to treat your students to Detroit Opera’s production of Little Red Riding Hood this year by contacting Andrea Scobie at 313.237.3429 or Children perform better with enriching endeavors in their lives. Support the Arts. Support Detroit Opera Theatre.

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